A few examples from Game 180N, The Art and Science of Virtual Worlds

To move around a VR scene while using a computer, use standard w a s d keys. On mobile devices, looking through the screen will allow you to "look around"(as if you are viewing the scene through a magic window) so that pivoting in real space will allow you to look in different directions. A touch should move you forward in the direction you are looking. "One touch" will also work with phone-based headsets that have an interaction button. For handheld mobile devices, two fingers on the screen simultaneously will move you backwards.
- Electric Field Sources: A gamified activity (Student/Faculty collaboration)
- VR exploration of Electric and Magnetic Fields using moving electric charges (Student/Faculty collaboration)
- Motion of Electric Charges in a Solenoid
- Moon Viewer (works well with google cardboard type phone viewers)
- Demo Combining Animation and Sound: Phase1 and Phase2
- A large scale Orrery
-A virtual space project prototype: Toad World (might be a little buggy)
Student Individual and Group Project Examples
- An interactive Aviary
- Castaway
- Fairy Tale Gingerbread House (individual)
- A Lonely House in the Woods (you can fly around the scene to get the cinematic impact) (individual)
- Cemetery (don't miss the maze in the back)