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Electricity and Magnetism Animations (click topic to expand)

Line of Charge

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Ring of Charge

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Electric Field Lines of a Point Charge

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Electric Field Lines of a Dipole: Changing Viewpoint

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Electric Field Lines of a Dipole: Changing Charge Separation

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Electric Field Plotting Lab Process

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Flux Through a Loop

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Flux Through A Closed Box and Varying Charge Configurations

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Flux Through A Closed Box and Varying Charge Configurations

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Flux Through a Solid Angle of a Sphere of Varying Radius Centered on a Charge

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Projecting an area onto a Spherical Surface

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Projecting a Small Patch of a Surface (Ellipsoid) onto a Sphere

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Projecting a Small Patch of a Surface (Blob) onto a Sphere

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Total Flux Through a Surface (Ellipsoid) Containing a Charge

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Total Flux Through a Surface (Blob) Containing a Charge

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Field Lines From a Point Charge Through a (Morphing) Surface

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Electric Field of a Line of Charge from Gauss's Law

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Theory of Metallic Conduction: Biased Random Walk

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HD Charging by Induction

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Magnetic Forces on the Segments of a Current Carrying Loop Create a Net Torque on the Loop

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HD Magnetic Forces and the DC Electric Motor

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Operation of an Electric Motor Using a Constant Voltage Supply and a Commutator

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Motion of an Electric Charge in a Uniform Magnetic Field

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Magnetic Confinement of Electric Charge

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Charge in a Uniform B Field

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Charge in a Uniform B Field II

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Charge in a Toroidal B Field

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Magnetic Bottle 1

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Magnetic Bottle 2

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Charges in Planetary Magnetic Field Create Radiation Belt

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Magnetic Field of a Point Charge

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dB for a Piece of a Line of Current

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Integrating dB for a Line of Current

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dB for a Piece of a Loop of Current

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Integrating dB for a Loop of Current

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B Field Lines Due to a Current Loop

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B Field Lines in a Stack of Coils

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B Field Lines in a Toroid Solenoid

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RHR and B with a Line of Current

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RHR and B with a Current Loop

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Ampere's Law Applied to a Toroidal Solenoid

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Ampere's Law Applied to a Co-Axial Cable

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Induction Homework Example

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Lenz's Law

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Electron Gun

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Electron Gun with Deflecting Plates

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Electromagnetic Plane Wave

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Electromagnetic Plane Wave

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Circularly Polarized Electromagnetic Wave

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Electromagnetic Wave with Elliptical Polarization

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Standing Electromagnetic Wave

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Direct Current versus Alternating Current

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Half Wave Rectification

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Full Wave Rectification with a Diode Bridge

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HD Rectified 3 Phase

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Rectified 3 Phase

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